Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 26 (8DPT) - HPT and Surprise!

On day 26, we decided to take an Home pregnancy test in the morning. I used Clear Blue Digital Pregnancy Test. As I was waiting for the result, I wiped and discovered fresh red blood on the tissue! What a bad surprise! So I wasn't too optimistic then and it was no surprise that the test showed "not pregnant". I was very heart broken. During the day I continued to spot with small clots (Sorry for the TMI) however by night it was a lot less. I still continued with the Crinone inserts as the next day was the blood test. I know that if the spotting stops, there is still hope however if it doesn't, then that means I am definitely not pregnant. DH asked me to remain optimistic however it was really hard for me as I myself know my body best.


  1. Hope it is a positive Nio, sometimes bleeding do happen. 8dpt is still early to test. When I saw the word surprise I was so happy. Still hoping.

  2. Manju, it was far from a BFP :)
