Saturday, November 15, 2014

AF arrived 2 days ahead of schedule!

OoOopsie! AF arrived 2 days ahead of schedule this month. I have never had AF show her face early. This is something I will have to monitor for the next few months as a shortening luteal phase isn't very good. So no BFP this month :(

Dr. Lee had advised during the last consult that of all the frozen embryos only the 4BB and 3BB are good enough to be transferred back. He will not consider transferring back the 4CC and the EB (early blastocysts). I am curious to know why these embryos were frozen in the first place if they are not good enough to be used. Although the extra embryos don't incur extra cost for freezing however it will be nice to know. I just may ask him this question when I go back next spring/summer :)

So far the blues have lifted and I am busy doing some Christmas shopping for the kids. My favorite niece's birthday falls on Christmas eve so to be fair have to get her two gifts...the little girl will be so overjoyed!! Can't wait to see her beaming!! :)

The weather has turned a lot colder and hopefully we are going to have a white Christmas again!!

To all my readers - stay warm this season and God bless!!




  1. Have you ever tracked your ovulation with BBT, ovulation prediction kits or do you look for the signs of ovulation like increased cervical mucus or pain in nipples?

  2. Have a happy festive season and happy shopping :)

    1. Thanks Manju, I hope your pregnancy is progressing well!

    2. So far so good :) Thanks!
